Manna operates by referral. We accept referrals from a wide variety of statutory and voluntary organisations and individuals and provide for urgent and immediate need.
Once Manna receives a referral, we will contact the client and arrange a suitable delivery time. Manna delivers all food parcels to clients. This makes it easier for someone struggling to get the help they need. We do realise however that not all problems can be solved immediately, therefore we work with other foodbanks in Spelthorne who provide ongoing support to Spelthorne residents to help them get back on their feet.
Manna food parcels are made up primarily of tinned and packet food as we do not have storage provisions for fresh food. We will, funds permitting, purchase bread, butter, milk and cheese on the day of our delivery to complete the parcel.
We normally make deliveries on Tuesday morning, Wednesday evening, and Friday morning.
We have also provided small parcels of ready-to-eat food to clergy for immediate, on-the-spot assistance.
We can tailor parcels for dietary needs such as vegetarian, diabetes, gluten free and Halal. We also tailor contents based on living and cooking facilities and can provide parcels to street homeless/sofa surfing individuals